Seeing the world through scent
As a creatively-run, fragrance and body care company of one from Toronto, the founder's fingerprints are on every level of making from conception to formulation to design and marketing. Everything is produced in-house. Also available are guides and articles that explore a creative, refreshing, slower-paced lifestyle for everyday moments and adventures within our own personal environment and the outside world too.
And if you're curious as to why the company is called Blooming Chaos. It was while reading the Three Essential Elements of Creativity, written by Maria Popova of the Marginalian. Buzzing, Blooming Chaos were the three consecutive words underlined in two colours, and picked out of a photo of handwritten notes left behind by the late poet of science Oliver Sacks on creativity and the brain, that the article was focused on. Captured by the contrasting words, but also from his insights of the brain building and organizing from intelligence, ideas and sensations. It's that diverse functionality happening at the same time, that resembles nature and its tempo, in tune with the complex nature of life.
For some, making fragrance and body care is more of a science –– a method, I've always seen it more as an art –– intuition. I am self-taught and presently work alone, almost like an artist (for form and feeling) or an architect (for form and function). That feeling pulls me to constantly pursue connection, to nature, to the human experience, expressing vulnerability at the core of my work. That function gets distilled and manifests in the formulations, then presented in straight forward packaging that's not trying to seduce you. Amber glass bottles were chosen because its beauty comes from its utility, protecting the natural formulas, plus they're refillable, reusable, endless recyclability with no loss in quality and purity, and available in small quantities for a small business. And being someone who is constantly in wonder and question of my own thoughts and experiences, this also shows up in my work, and why I write about what I feel and notice and those feelings and noticings are occasionally shared via our newsletter. Ceremonial Escapades was written as a complementary guide for the Habitual Love range, for a somatic and emotional experience alone or with a partner. Along with that are two more guides to complement our range of personal care and to accompany our days and nights –– Aching Beauty and Divine Haliburton. With print versions coming one day.
But the devil, infamously, is in the details, and why I don't do it all alone. Accomplished spirits of all stripes have played a part, as seen through the narrative lens of photographers poetic images, artist illustrations, and more, that you can see on this site.

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